y Usha Lifts - Dock Levellers
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 Hydraulic Dock Levellers
Hydraulic Dock Levellers are hinged type equipment which can be mounted at entry point flush with elevated work shop floor and can be hydraulically adjusted to form a dock with LCV, trucks etc to facilitate and efficient loading/unloading of LCV trucks.

Dock - Leveller
Dock Leveller
Type : Pit model Hydraulically operated Dock Leveler (Custom built)

Capacity : 9000 Kgs (Udl) Cross traffic position

Travel Below Dock Height (mm) : 250 mm

Travel Above Dock Height (mm) : 300 mm

Platform Size : 2730 x 2130 mm (chequered plate)

Operation : 415 V AC Power

Lip : Manual / Hydraulic Operation

Material Handling starts and ends with Dock Levellers

Hydraulic Dock Levellers are hinged type equipment which can be mounted at entry point flush with elevated workshop floor and can be hydraulically adjusted to form a dock with LCV, Trucks, etc to faciitate quick and efficient loading/unloading of LCV/Trucks Hydraulic Dock Levellers are hinged type equipment which can be mounted at entry point flush with elevated workshop floor and can be hydraulically adjusted to form a dock with LCV, Trucks, etc to faciitate quick and efficient loading/unloading of LCV/Trucks

The equipment is electrohuydraulically operated by 415 V AC Power pack and push buttons and the platform. Can be raised or lowered above or below horizontal level to adjust to small LCV's or big trucks.

The lip movement can be manually or hydraulically operated

Cap kg Size (L X B) Lip Travel (min)
if Hydraulic
2000 2000 X 2000 300
5000 2500 X 2000 300
9000 3000 X 2000 300
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